When it comes to IVF, a lot comes down the best fit for individuals. The procedure itself is a huge step and demands a lot research and information and not just money. Therefore, one has to make the right choice because often the right clinic can turn out to be the miracle one is waiting to add to their life.
The best way to start is asking the right people. This includes trusting friends, personal doctors, online or offline support and care groups, individuals who have gone through IVF previously. One has to mooch of their experience to arrive at viable options.
There is a lot of information available online but one has to look for accurate fertility clinic statistics. This may require personal communication with people at the clinic like patients, doctors and specialists.
In a lot of ways it comes down to the ability and quality of the fertility doctor. It may be just a single doctor or an expert team of medical practitioners as per the facility. But their attitude, responsiveness, willingness to answer questions or meeting in person can be good indicators of their professionalism and commitment levels. Their training certifications and credentials can also be checked through proper channels. Their past work and experience also matters a lot. One should also make sure there are experts like andrologist or endocrinologists available at the facility too.
Apart from the doctors, one has to make sure that the facility provides clarity regarding the fees and payment. It is always better to ask ahead about the prices offered . Specifics regarding tests, medications, eggs retrieval and implantation of embryo etc. need to be known as well. Embryo freezing and storage option should be discussed.
In the end, everything comes down to the success rates of the clinic itself. One should remember that high rate does not always mean the best quality assurance as statistics can be skewed. As a caveat, if anyone claims success in one cycle, ring the alarm bells and get out of that place. There is no 100% guarantee when it comes to IVF, whatever be the cause of the infertility.