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Akanksha Team In An International Conference

The Royal College Of Obstetrics & Gynaecologists (R.C.O.G) & British Fertility Society (B.F.S) conducted a Live Video Conferencing from London on the 07th & 08th April 2011. This International course was conducted in association with the ‘Indian Fertility Society’, (I.F.S) & the venue was Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. The course on Assisted Conception adressed the rapid developments being faced by IVF specialists across the world & how to adress them.

The entire team of Akanksha IVF Centre participated in this prestegious international course, which had the participation of leading Infertility & ART experts in Europe. Dr K.D. Nayar, Chairman Akanksha IVF Centre was one of the prominent Panel Discussants from India. The course provided an opportunity to interact LIVE with these specialists & add to our existing technological excellence.

It was of considerable satisfaction that Akanksha IVF Centre uses the technologies which are at par with world standards.

Dr. K.D. Nayar.
Akanksha IVF Centre.
New Delhi.