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Dr KD Nayar in INSTAR 2014

INSTAR is a body active in the filed of surrogacy. The annual meeting of INSTAR (Indian Society Of Assisted Reproduction) was held on the 20th April 2014 at New Delhi. The meet was initiated with a awareness walk on Surrogacy, which saw the participation of over 200 surrogate mothers , their families, parents and medical specialists. The purpose of this walls was to generate greater awareness about the cause of Surrogacy & the treatments available.
The awareness walk was followed by a medical meeting of doctors. Dr KD Naya r was invited to participate in this meeting & share his view points on surrogacy. please find below photographs of Dr KD Nayar being felicitated during the INSTAR-2014 meet at New Delhi.
With Best wishes: The Akanksha IVF Centre Team.