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Fertivision 2011 – Pre-Conference Workshop Intimation

Fertivision 2011 will be held in New Delhi between the 16th to 18th December 2011 at New Delhi. While the Pre-Conference Workshop will be held on the 16th December 2011, the Conference will follow on the 17th & 18th December 2011 at India Habitat Centre – New Delhi. This will be the 7th Annual National Conference of Indian Fertility Society (I.F.S)

Pre-Conference Workshop Details:
Workshop II: Intra Uterine Insemination (I.U.I) & Controlled Ovarian Stimulation:

The details of the Pre-Conference workshop on Intra Uterine Stimulation (I.U.I) & Controlled Ovarian Stimulation are as follows:
Date: 16th December 2011.
Time: 9.00 AM to 4.30 PM.
Venue: Auditorium of Mata Chanan Devi Hospital, Janak Puri, New Delhi – 110058.
Convenor: Dr. K.D. Nayar. (Mobile: 9810398765, Email: kdnayar@usa.net)
Co-Convenor: Dr. Priya Dahiya & Dr. Priti Dahiya.

Program Schedule:
9.30 AM to 1.30 PM: Clinical sessions by Renowned Inter National & National faculty. (Dr. Jayant Mehta, U.K & Dr. (Brig) R.K Sharma (India) and more…
2.30 PM to 4.30 PM: Hands on practise in small groups.