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Motherhood or Career which Comes First?

There is a whole breed of new-age women who do not choose to have a baby because of work commitments. This new “professional hazard” is spreading like an epidemic especially in metropolitan cities.

When to see infertility expert:

  • If a female is below 35 years and unable to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse.
  • If the female is over 35 years and unable to conceive after six months of unprotected intercourse

How old is too old?

  • At the time of birth: two million eggs
  • At puberty: 400,000 eggs
  • At 40 years: 40,000 to 50,000 eggs
  • 45 years: 5000 eggs
  • Beginning in the twenties eggs begin to diminish in quantity and quality. Significant deterioration occurs after 35 years.

For women, the cessation of menses (menopause) is an obvious sign of ageing. But it is by no means the only change. A transition period lasts for many years before menopause and this occurs because of a distinct and dramatic decline in oestrogen production. And as women ages, risk of genetic problems increases in the baby. This triad of declining fertility, declining hormone levels and increasing risk for genetic problems is what most people mean when they say “biological clock”.

Female biological clock:

>Women in their 20s: Fertility rate/month is 20-25% Spontaneous miscarriage rate: 5-10% Incidence of genetic abnormality (Downs’s Syndrome) is 1 in 1200. Women in their early 30s: Fertility rate per month is 15% Miscarriage rate 20%. Women above 35s: Fertility rate per month 10% Miscarriage rate 25% Risk of Down’s syndrome 1 in 350 Genetic testing is recommended.

Women in their 40s: Fertility rate per month is 5%, Even with IVF, success rate is 10% 90% of eggs are genetically abnormal on biopsy. Miscarriage rate is 33% Incidence of genetic abnormalities is one in 38 Egg donation is the key. Oocyte donation success rate: 80%