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Dr. K.D Nayar gives presentation in Asia Pacific Conference 2011 at Goa

The Asia Pacific Congress on ‘Minimal Stimulation IVF,’ – IVF-Lite 2011 was held in Goa on the 11th – 14th August 2011. The Conference was attended by leading IVF Specialist from across the country & abroad. The latest advancements in the field of IVF were discussed in depth & detail during this conference.

Dr. K.D. Nayar gave a presentation on ‘GnRH Analog Regimes in poor responders.’ The topic aroused great interest amongst the audience & the attending IVF Specialist & was very well recieved.

Dr. K.D. Nayar was also the ‘Chairperson’ for another session on “Endoscopy Procedures’.

Enclosed below are a few photographs of the sessions in progress.

From: The Akanksha IVF Centre Team.