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Dr. K.D Nayar to give presentation in American Society Of Reproductive Medicine, Orlando, U.S.A

This is to inform that Dr. K.D. Nayar will be out of India from the ’14th October 2011 to 24th October 2011′ to attend the 67th Conference of the ‘American Society Of Reproductive Medicine’ (A.S.R.M), which is being held in Orlando, U.S.A. The theme of the conference is ‘Realizing Scientific Dreams’.

Dr. K.D Nayar will be presenting 2 scientific papers in the conference. Dr. K.D Nayar is a member of the A.S.R.M. since 2003.

The conference is in tune with our endevour to bring the latest technology & techniques in the world for the benefit of our valuable patients. The Associate Consultants at the Akanksha IVF Centre are highly qualified & competent to look after the smooth functioning of the centre in his absence. However in the event of any concern, Dr. K.D Nayar can be contacted on his Global Roaming Mobile Number: +91-9810398765.

– The Akanksha IVF Centre Team.